3 Reasons Open Days are a MUST

When it comes to choosing the right centre to kick off a child’s early childhood education, parents are dedicated to making an informed choice. Many spend time researching online and seeking opinions from family, friends and colleagues. However, there is no substitute for visiting a centre and getting a feel for the facilities, the environment and the people.
For parents, Open Days at early learning centres offer the opportunity to see firsthand what the centre has to offer. When Open Days are scheduled for weekends, you get the freedom of exploring the centre and chatting with educators and staff without interruptions. For centres, Open Days give you the chance to showcase what you’ve got to offer your community’s youngest members and put your very best foot forward.
First, let’s look at 3 reasons why Open Days are a MUST for parents to attend, then we’ll go through 3 reasons why centres should have Open Days.

3 Reasons Why Families Should Attend Open Days

1: Programs and Facilities
Explore the centre and see for yourself what it has on offer, rather than read or hear about it.
Questions to consider:
-Does the centre have a rich curriculum to benefit my child?
-Are educational programs embedded in the curriculum and offered daily?
-Is there a funded kindergarten program?
-Do the programs give my child the best start?
-Is the centre engaging and does it reflect the children’s learning journey?
-Are the facilities clean and up to date?
2: Meet the Educators
Meet some of the individuals you would be entrusting with your child’s wellbeing.
Questions to consider:
-Do I find the educators and staff to be likeable and friendly?
-Did the team seem genuine and passionate?
-What are the team’s qualifications and specialty areas?
3: Trust Your Feelings
Get a feel for the centre that can only be felt in person.
Questions to consider:
-How do you feel visiting the centre?
-Can I see my child enjoying spending time at the centre?
Now, for centres that are wondering why they should have an Open Day, consider that you need to deliver based on the above reasons that are so important to parents and families. Here’s some more information for centres on these areas…

3 Reasons Why Centres Should Have Open Days

1: Showcase your centre
Don’t just tell – SHOW the local community and families what you have to offer. Planning an open day allows you to put your best foot forward and demonstrate to families why they should choose your centre for their child or children.
2: Meet the Families
Early childhood education is a crucial part of a child’s life and in our communities. Engaging with local families shows and grows your passion for your centre’s wider community and its members. Open Days can be the beginning of a long relationship between you, your centre and these parents and children.
3: Be Transparent
You can great flyers, ads and a perfect centre, but the way your centre makes parents and families feel when they are there is a key factor when it comes to enrolling. Let your centre’s positive energy and warm atmosphere shine through to families on a day dedicated to your centre and all that it has to offer children who attend!
We have an Open Day coming up this Saturday 16 April at Bonkers Beat Music Kinder & Childcare in Aspendale, Victoria. From 10am-12pm we have invited all families in our community to visit the centre and enjoy a fun morning of exploring. For anyone who would like to see what the Bonkers Beat programs are all about, please join us at 49 Laura Street, Aspendale from 10am-12pm this Saturday 16 April.

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