6 Keys to Boosting Enrolments with a Centre Tour

Times have been tough for many early childhood services, with a shortage of staff to support teams having a huge impact on the day-to-day operations. Enrolments of children have taken a hit too, and many centres are looking for ways to boost their numbers, and fast.

We believe that we can help you achieve your goals — plus add a whole lot more to your service by enhancing developmental outcomes for children, attracting quality educators and creating a happier and more motivated team.

Consider this: over the last 14 years our Bonkers Beat service in Aspendale, Victoria, has been sitting on 95% + occupancy. Even during the hardest times, including COVID!

Since 2012 we’ve been consistently receiving Exceeding Ratings and received an Excellent rating in 2018.The best bit is that we want to share EVERYTHING we have learned along with our passion with you.  

It may seem hard to believe, but the key to our success has truly been embedding music and wellbeing experiences into curriculum and running them daily. And we have the proof! Our parents surveys demonstrate that 92% of our families choose Bonkers Beat because of the daily music and wellbeing program. It’s not just our service to have enjoyed this success, with many across the country sharing similar outcomes. 

In the next section we’ll share the 6 keys to boost enrolments through a centre tour, but it’s worth knowing that you can supercharge all of these tips with our music and wellbeing program too! The special offer is about to run out, so check it out here

(Pssst… reach us before Saturday and you can even attend our exclusive online Wellness Summit this weekend!)

6 Keys to Boosting Enrolments with a Centre Tour

  • Be passionate about your centre’s philosophy

When you show your passion and are clear about what makes your centre special, parents can understand and love your philosophy too. Take the time to explain why you do what you do.

  • Demonstrate your unique programs during centre tours

There’s no better way to explain what you do and how you do it, than showing exactly how your programs look and feel in real time. Have your programs up and running as normal for families to see and experience for themselves. 

  • Be clear about your centre’s point of difference

Parents see our music and wellbeing programs in action when they come for a centre tour — and they see that they haven’t seen this in other tours they have been on. We immediately stand out for the right reasons.

  • Explain the benefits of your curriculum

What will parents and their children experience as a result of your centre’s curriculum? How will it have a positive impact on their lives — and more so than any competition in the area. When you are a Bonkers Beat member, we have all of this information ready to support you.

  • Take time to show families around and take time to listen to parents

Effective communication with families and showing them that they are important to your service starts with listening. Listen carefully so you can give the best answers and put your best foot forward.

  • Make families and children feel welcomed, engaged and have fun!

Families and children who come to our centre tours are actively participating in our music sessions and having fun! That feeling stays with them as they leave — and often translates into, you guessed it, a new family enrolling with us!

Seeing every early childhood education service, educator and child thrive is our purpose. To that end, we want to share our passion and knowledge, and invite you to join our Bonkers Beat community.

The Wellness Summit kicks off on Saturday — these Wellness Summits are early childhood professional development days that are exclusively open to centres who are Bonkers Beat members.

Sign up with our current promotion and join us!

With the Bonkers Beat programs and Wellness Summits on your side, other centres have reported experienced benefits including:

  • Occupancy increased by 45% within 6 months (many centres reached full capacity!)
  • Passionate educators want to join centres running our programs
  • The attitude of educators improves, leading to a more positive culture
  • Educators became more confident and competent using music and wellbeing experiences with children
  • Parents became more engaged, leading to an increase in participation
  • Children have improved a vast range of skills and can’t stop singing and dancing at home
  • Parents are raving about centre programs and are spreading the good word to other parents!

Head here to learn more and get started TODAY!

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