7 Steps Towards Childcare Centre Growth

We see you. We see you working tirelessly to make a difference for children. We see you getting up each day to keep supporting families. We see centre management and dedicated teams of educators continuing to push through even the most difficult times.

The early childhood education sector in Australia is inspiring, strong and committed. Even in the face of low occupancy, government restrictions and educators and families who are struggling to stay motivated.

Overcoming challenges like that are faced by those in the early childhood education sector is a priority for us at Bonkers Beat. That’s why our 7 Steps to Centre Growth Webinar (valued at $245) is now available to all centre owners, directors and managers at no cost. That’s right — this 2-hour online session with award-winning educator Galina Zenin is completely free.

The 7 Steps 2-Hour Growth Webinar is designed to address all the issues you are currently facing — plus more. If you want your centre to grow and flourish, this webinar is a must-attend. Plus, it’s free — you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

What will be covered during this webinar?

Occupancy: What can you do to reach more families in your area? And how can you get more families to choose your childcare service or kindergarten? We will help you to increase the visibility of your centre and attract more families to choose you. We will even help you to retain them too.

A&R Visits: Getting prepared for assessment visits can be daunting, overwhelming and stressful. But it doesn’t have to be. Having a plan in place and following our guidance can mean that assessment visits are straightforward and get a desirable outcome (just like we did!)

NQS Rating: In February this year, our Bonkers Beat Music Kinder was assessed and went through the rating process. As the result – we received Exceeding in all seven NQS areas and all 40 elements out of 40. We will share with you everything we did and continue to do so you can implement the same strategies immediately. 

Leadership: The global pandemic has shown just how important leadership is when it comes to achieving your goals. The right approach to leadership can make all the difference to what your childcare centre can achieve and we will discuss what that entails so you can apply in your workplace.

Motivating Educators: Keeping your team inspired and motivated can be challenging at the best of times, let alone when we’re all still recovering from the personal and professional impacts seen in 2020. But educators whose wellbeing and mental health are supported in the workplace are more motivated, happy, productive and capable. We’ll explore this further in the webinar.

Engaging Families: Families have juggled, struggled and are only now finding their feet and returning to routines again. We all know how difficult 2020 was at times, but engaging families with your centre and children’s learning benefits everyone. We have tips to help you get families feeling involved and engaged.

Enhancing Children’s Outcomes: It wasn’t only adults who are affected by the craziness we experienced through this pandemic. Children missed out on many valuable learning experiences and have much lost time to make up. Social skills, emotional development, literacy and numeracy and so much more have been impacted for children during these critical first five years of their development. Learn how to enhance children’s outcomes and support their optimal growth.

We know that you are busy and it’s hard to find time to focus on improving your childcare businesses while also ensuring things are running smoothly. The online format of this session means you don’t need to think about travel time, and we’re running the webinar on two dates so you have a choice of what suits best.

Event: 7 Steps 2-Hour Centre Growth Webinar

Place: Online, via Zoom (from the comfort of your centre or home)

Dates: Wednesday 8 September 2021

We can’t wait to share so much gold with you to revive your childcare centre and shine in 2021 and beyond. Register for the free 7 Steps 2-Hour Growth Webinar here.

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