Supporting the Whole Child Through a Holistic Approach

Early childhood education is crucial in setting the foundation for a child’s future development and success. And while academic knowledge and skills are valuable in life, a holistic approach that focuses on supporting the whole child —  their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development — will pave the way for a bright future for children on every level.

When we talk about supporting the whole child, it means that we recognise and value the interconnectedness of all aspects of a child’s development. For instance, a child’s emotional wellbeing can significantly impact their cognitive development and academic success. It’s not really possible or logical to focus solely on one aspect of a child’s development without considering the others.

A holistic approach to early childhood education involves creating an environment that fosters positive social interactions, emotional regulation, and physical wellbeing. It prioritises the importance of play-based learning, building self-esteem and resilience, and the development of social and emotional intelligence.

Here are some practical tips for educators to embed a holistic approach to early childhood education:

Create a diverse and inclusive learning environment: Ensure that your classroom is welcoming, inclusive, and safe for all children. This includes creating spaces for quiet and reflective activities, as well as opportunities for creativity, role play and movement.

Incorporate social and emotional learning into your programs: Teach children skills to manage their emotions, develop positive relationships, and build self-esteem. Integrate activities that promote mindfulness, gratitude, and empathy.

Use a variety of teaching strategies: Recognise that children have different learning styles and preferences and ensure your programs are equipped to meet children where they are. Incorporate a range of teaching strategies and techniques, such as visual aids, storytelling, and (of course!) music.

Support to embed holistic learning 

Everything’s better when we do it together! Join us as we expand on holistic learning and the key elements involved at the upcoming Wellness Summit! Accessing this incredible event as well as our early childhood educational programs for your service has never been more affordable!

‘Key Elements in Developing a Holistic Learning and Development’ is just one presentation you can expect at the Wellness Summit. We’ve also got the one and only Kerrie O’Neill presenting on ‘The great outdoors as an environment for learning’ and an incredible session on meditation and mindfulness with Tracey Cerchiara.This week is the last chance to join the Bonkers Beat community and attend the upcoming Wellness Summit — it’s taking place on Saturday 18 March, 2023.

Remember, the Bonkers Beat Music & Wellbeing program is proven to help attract new families AND new staff.

Bonkers Beat training is such that educators do not have to be music trained to integrate it into your existing programs. Imagine that… your point of difference – the award-winning Bonkers Beat Music & Wellbeing program — made clear for prospective parents.

And now you can implement the program at a 25% discount (offer ends on 10 March 2023).

Due to numerous requests, we’ve extended the $1.50* per child per week rate offer to help centres during Term 1. (*Based on licensed places)

To have your entire team attend the Wellness Summit as well as have Bonkers Beat Music & Wellbeing programs for your centre, all you have to do is contact us and say you’re interested. Phone: 13000-B-BEAT (1300-022-328) to start the process or ask any questions. Let’s work together to give your children the best start to the new year by incorporating music and its numerous and well-documented benefits.

Check out the video below to watch a summary of one of the Wellness Summits. To find out more, simply call 13000-B-BEAT (1300-022-328) or email

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