Celebrating the Fathers and Special Men in Our Lives

Today’s young fathers spend more time with their children each day – talking, playing and teaching them – than fathers of just one generation ago. This is fantastic news; with our lives busier than ever, our children still need strong, present role models in their lives.
We take Fathers Day to acknowledge the important role that fathers, grandfathers, uncles and special male influences play in the lives of their children; as role models, care givers, providers, protectors, supporters, friends, and the myriad other roles that men play in the lives of women and children.
Fathers are often overlooked and not as celebrated as mothers however, recent research shows just how important it is for children to spend quality one on one time with fathers or other males.
For boys Ian Grant, parenting expert and author of Growing Great Boys, believes the role of a father in his son’s life is crucial and that dads can never be too involved with their sons. “Boys whose dads are involved with them from a young age do better in lots of ways — academically, emotionally and socially,” says Grant. “Well-fathered boys show the positive effects years later with an improved capacity for empathy and the health of their social relationships. You have to do whatever it takes to be there for your kids.”
Fathers have been given a tremendous ability to influence the lives of their daughters.  Girls need to wrestle, rough house and spend quality one on one time with their fathers, or male figures to build confidence both physically and mentally.  This boosts their self-esteem, self-image and how they see themselves in the world. University of Oxford researchers noted that girls who had more involved fathers were less likely to face mental health problems later in life. Genuine praise and admiration from a father can help his daughter grow up to be an independent, confident woman.  There is no denying the fact that a healthy relationship between a daughter and a father can produce amazing results in his daughter’s life.
How to celebrate Fathers Day? Well, everybody loves a hand made craft item or a card. There are lots of simple, fun and inexpensive ideas on the Internet.  Special photos, some lovely words and a funny gift always make Dads smile.  Another way to celebrate is to spend the day together as a family. Simple pleasures like walking on the beach, a day trip to the snow, park or forest, a coffee at a favourite café and of course breakfast in bed. Because, let’s face it Dads are wonderful and special and deserve a day of celebration.
We believe that poetry is a great way to celebrate… So enjoy a poem written by Galina – ‘My Daddy’:
Craft ideas for Fathers Day – https://www.pinterest.com/diamondkandace/crafts-for-father-s-day/
Martha Stewart Craft ideas- http://www.marthastewart.com/274629/fathers-day-crafts-for-kids/@center/307033/spring-holidays
Ways to spend the day as a family – http://miamiinstyletv.com/top-10-fun-ways-to-spend-fathers-day-as-a-family/
Article on the importance of children spending quality time with Fathers – http://www.ahaparenting.com/blog/Fathers-Day
The importance of father/ daughter relationships – http://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/821928/the-importance-of-the-father-daughter-relationship
The importance of father/ son relationships – http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/importance-father-son-relationships-23229.html

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