A Well-Deserved Thank You this Educators’ Day!

Early Childhood Educators across Australia do a phenomenal job each day providing care for the youngest, most vulnerable members of our communities. Without them, many parents would not have the opportunity to work or keep the household running. 

Not only do they provide loving care, they also create engaging and meaningful educational experiences to support a variety of developmental stages. Helping children to reach their fullest potential and make them feel nurtured is the goal for educators! 

This Wednesday 7 September is Early Childhood Educators’ Day the day to show or tell the educators in your life just how much you value their hard work and contribution!

Showing Educators Our Appreciation

When childcare professionals head to work each day, they go in ready to make a difference, equipped with patience, kindness and creativity. 

It doesn’t take much to show educators that they are valued — try one of these ideas:

Create a wall or tree of appreciation: Invite children and parents to write or draw a note of what they are grateful for from one or more educators at your service. Display the wall for everyone to see as they enter! If needed, the Early Childhood Educators’ Day website has designed a cut-out shape template.

Have an Educators’ Awards ceremony: Acknowledge each educator’s unique and important contribution with a certificate or award. Again, the Early Childhood Educators’ Day website has kindly provided a certificate template for you to download and fill in.

Say thank you with a song: A song or poem can say a lot! Children might like to put together a performance with a song or poem. We have included one here that you might like to use or adapt:


Thank you for reading stories
And helping me to read
Thank you for doing craft
And helping me plant seeds
Thank you for singing songs
And always being kind

Thank you for taking me outdoors,

to play in the sunshine
Thank you for all the fun
And everything you do
But most of all I want to say,
Thank you for being you!

However you decide to approach Early Childhood Educators’ Day, be sure to mark the occasion and let every educator know that we think they’re amazing!

Thank You to All Educators from the Bonkers Beat Team

The role of Early Childhood Educators is crucial. They can have a lifelong impact on children’s development and lay the foundation for a passionate love of learning and life. 

Today we want to show our gratitude too and say THANK YOU to each and everyone of you!

Happy Early Childhood Educators Day, everyone, you rock!

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