Be Fit, Stay Fit

To optimise the wellbeing of young children, it’s important to give them the tools they need in life to achieve and maintain good health. Physical activity is an essential ingredient, contributing to a child’s development, ability to learn and mental health.

Physical Activity for Children Every Day

At Bonkers Beat we are dedicated to early childhood development incorporating a range of learning experiences that involve physical activity. Our Bonkers Beat Music Kinder in Aspendale, Victoria incorporates daily yoga for children as well as a variety of active fun.
In our upcoming school holiday program we organise incursions from Active Start Sports who specialise in sports programs for young children. These incursions are always a hit with children at the centre. The sessions equip them with new skills, get them working on their motor skills and allow them to release plenty of energy!

The Benefits of Physical Activity for Children

So what are the benefits of physical activity for children? Here’s our top 5:

  1. Improve children’s balance, coordination, flexibility and strength
  2. Group sports provide a valuable socialising opportunity to make friends and learn how to be a part of a team
  3. Improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance
  4. Maximise children’s ability to learn by improving concentration
  5. Promote relaxation and happiness through burning off energy and the release of endorphins (the happy hormone)

Getting Active Together

Bonkers Beat Music Kinder’s upcoming Working Bee has a physical activity theme too – Be Fit, Stay Fit!
With plenty of digging, lifting and tidying to be done around the centre, it’s an excellent example of how we can work on improving our physical fitness in daily activities. Plus, being active is always more fun when we’re doing it together!
Taking our commitment to staying physically fit and healthy even further, during this year’s Working Bee we will be installing bike racks at the centre! This is to encourage children and their families to ride their bikes to kinder or childcare.
A mini-gym is also a part of our Working Bee plan – another fun way for pre-school children to get active!

Be Fit, Stay Fit

As adults we know how challenging it can feel to embark on physical activity, especially when we’ve let our fitness levels lapse. What a wonderful thing to do for children to embed a love, understanding and appreciation of physical activity and its benefits while they are young. In fact, a commitment to physical activity won’t just benefit children now – it is a gift that can improve their futures and will also have a huge positive impact on their overall wellbeing as they move into adolescence and adulthood.
How do you encourage children to be active and stay fit? Share with us on Facebook!

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