Coronavirus – Opportunity To Build Resilience and Creativity In Us All

With many parents feeling stressed and worried, and children feeling anxious, confused or out of sorts, the news of the 2019 novel Coronavirus — COVID-19 — has been a lot to take in. Firstly, our hearts go out to those who are facing challenges with their health, loved ones’ health or perhaps their finances and work at this time. What has been beautiful is to watch people caring for others and working together as we navigate these unusual circumstances.

There is still the possibility that schools, kindergartens and childcare services will need to close their doors, which means parents, particularly those who need to work or are working from home, are wondering how they will manage the juggle. We wanted to contribute to making life a little easier for families during this time, and so we have created something to do just that… introducing, ‘Bonkers Beat for Kids’!

If childcare providers and schools do close, or you’re worried about your children going to their place of education or care, we are here to help. How? ‘Bonkers Beat for Kids’ is an online education and care support channel for families with children aged up to approximately 8 years old. In this community you will find:

-Daily routines

-Positive thoughts

-Video recordings of songs children will love

-Yoga, meditation and mindfulness videos and tips

– Story times

-Interactive experiences

-Benefits of music

-Benefits of wellbeing

-Tips for parents

-So much more!

No parents want children to be bored or sit on devices all day. We know that children need some routine to their day to thrive, like they would have at childcare, kinder or school. We want them to keep learning and growing amidst the global health crisis. Parents need to be able to carve out time to work while children are engaged and happy, and we all need to discover ways to relax and enjoy life while we are in our homes during what could be stressful for many.

When life gets hard, we must get creative. Conveniently run through a Facebook group for you, ‘Bonkers Beat for Kids’ provides daily videos, images, tips and routine plans and suggestions to help parents keep children engaged with interactive content.

We hope that you can benefit from ‘Bonkers Beat for Kids’ and enjoy music and wellbeing in your family! The group is free and currently open for all families (and all educators) to join. Simply click here and become a part of this supportive online community!

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