Embrace the Chill: Winter School Holiday Ideas

The winter school holidays are arriving, from Saturday 24 June until Sunday 9 July. This time of year it’s easy to fall into the trap of staying indoors and hibernating, but embracing the chilly weather and exploring the great outdoors can be just as fun now as it is in the warmer months! 

Whether you’re a parent looking for ideas or an educator needing inspiration, this guide has something for you. By providing a good mix of independent activities and opportunities for connection, you can ensure a memorable and enriching school holiday period.

Outdoor adventures in winter

As the old saying goes, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! Rugging up and getting outside in winter provides a unique opportunity for children to experience the beauty and magic of nature in a different light. 

Exploring local parks and nature reserves can offer winter wildlife spotting and fun nature walks. These outdoor adventures not only provide physical exercise and fresh air but also help children develop resilience, adaptability, and an appreciation for the changing seasons.

Independent play and creativity

While structured activities are important, fostering independent play and creativity is equally vital — especially if you’re a parent or carer who is balancing work, home responsibilities and/or other children.  

Encourage children to engage in simple yet engaging activities such as art and craft, puzzles, or even building forts using blankets and pillows. This promotes their imagination, problem-solving skills and the ability to entertain themselves. Allowing children to have unstructured playtime also helps them develop independence and a sense of agency.

Time for bonding and connection

Winter school holidays can offer an opportunity for life to slow down for some families. This can be a great time to make some memories. Even the simplest things can leave a lasting imprint on children. Plan indoor activities such as baking cookies, having movie nights, or a board game session. Enjoying a hot chocolate by the fire or going for a winter hike as a family can also be wonderful bonding experiences. These moments not only strengthen connections but also provide a sense of security, belonging and shared experiences for children.

School holiday programs

School holiday programs can be a saviour for many working families, and for children who just love to have fun! Early childhood education services should consider offering a well-rounded and engaging school holiday program, incorporating outdoor adventures, independent play and collaborative activities to cater to the needs of children and their families. 

These programs provide opportunities for children to continue learning, exploring, and building connections during their break from their regular schooling.

10 favourite school holiday activity ideas

This winter school holidays, let’s encourage children to brave the chill and discover the wonders of the great outdoors! 

If you need some specific ideas, here’s ten favourites that we love!

Nature Scavenger Hunt: Take children on a nature scavenger hunt in local parks or bushland. Provide them with a list of items to find, such as different types of leaves, native flowers, or animal footprints.

Beach Adventure: Embrace the mild Australian winter and head to the beach. Children can enjoy building sandcastles, exploring rock pools, or flying kites.

Picnic in the Park: Pack a cosy picnic basket with warm snacks and hot drinks and enjoy a picnic in a local park. Encourage children to spot different bird species or play outdoor games like frisbee or soccer.

Indoor Camping: Set up a camping experience indoors by pitching a tent in the living room or creating a blanket fort. Children can have a ‘campfire’ with marshmallow roasting and tell stories by torchlight.

Creative Workshops: Organise arts and crafts workshops where children can explore their creativity. Activities such as painting, pottery, or making handmade jewellery can keep them engaged and develop their artistic skills.

Museum Exploration: Visit local museums or galleries that offer interactive exhibits and workshops for children. This provides an opportunity for them to learn and be inspired by art, history or science. Many are free too!

Movie Marathon: Plan a movie session with a selection of family-friendly movies. Prepare popcorn and cosy up with blankets for a day of relaxation and entertainment.

Cooking and Baking: Involve children in the kitchen by trying out new recipes together. Baking cookies, making homemade pizzas or preparing warm soups can be a fun and tasty way to spend time indoors.

Science Experiments: Conduct simple science experiments at home using household items. Children can learn about chemical reactions, make volcanoes erupt or create homemade slime.


Storytelling and Reading: Set aside dedicated time for storytelling and reading sessions. Encourage children to read their favourite books or create their own stories to share with family members.

Remember, the key is to provide a mix of outdoor and indoor activities that cater to different interests and ages. These ideas will help keep children engaged, entertained and stimulated during these school holidays!

For our followers, including those who live in other parts of the world, in this blog, we’d like to share some ideas and activities related to different seasons. It doesn’t matter if you’re experiencing Summer or Winter right now, the ‘Four Seasons’ Educational pack is a perfect tool to teach children about changing seasons, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, which months make up each season, and much more! 

Click HERE and enjoy!

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