Fun With The Lights Out For Earth Hour

Every year on Earth Hour the lights turn out all over the world. The seemingly small act of switching off the lights can make a powerful statement about the impact and role we all have on our planet. 

Earth Hour in 2022 takes place on Saturday 26 March at 8.30pm. We encourage everyone to get involved! You can use Earth Hour as a time to be more creative, thoughtful and connect with loved ones — plus it can be a lot of fun! Here are some ideas:

Shadow puppets: Using candles or torches, get creative with your hands and come up with shadow puppet characters to perform on the wall! You could even use the shadows of teddies and toys, or get crafty and try making some characters for your shadow puppet performance.

Star gazing: There’s always something special to look at on nature’s screen. Rug up and head outside to see what’s in the night sky. You can point out stars and constellations, or admire the moon.

Candlelit meal: Whether it’s dinner or just an evening snack, have something yummy by candlelight. Make special effort to ensure your meal has minimal waste and packaging to make it even more environmentally-friendly.

Glow in the dark: Glow in the dark paints and play doughs can be super exciting! Try getting artistic in the dark with options that will look impressive with the lights out.

If children can’t stay awake for Earth Hour at 8.30pm, we suggest choosing your own Earth Hour to immerse yourself in nature and reconnect with the planet and our natural environment. Creating a deep connection with the earth helps make sure we are always thinking of ways to do the right thing and be more sustainable. 

We are all on this planet together and during Earth Hour global landmarks across thousands of cities will go dark, including the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China, and the Statue of Liberty. Be a part of Earth Hour and make it something special for your family.

Share some images of your setting or more creative ideas to inspire others HERE.

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