Grandparents & Special Friends Day Celebrations

With Mothers Day in May and Fathers Day in September, at Bonkers Beat we have always found July to be the perfect time to host Grandparents Day.
The relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren can be varied – some are very close and play a huge role in children’s every day lives, while others may not be as close and perhaps even live quite far away or are no longer with us. Whatever the case may be, the grandparent role is very important in children’s lives and where a close grandparent is not be in the picture, children may have a ‘special person’ who they look to outside of their home such as an uncle, aunt or perhaps a close friend of their parents.
To quote the Raising Children website: ‘One of the great things about becoming a grandparent is loving and caring for your grandchild without being responsible for him in the same way his parents are’. And it’s easy to imagine what a special relationship can flourish from this bond with a child!
Research has shown that there are mental health benefits to maintaining a good relationship with grandparents as children get older, with both parties less likely to suffer from depression as a result of their bond. In fact, the same researchers highlighted the benefits of extended family for children, saying that these relationships are more important today than ever before.
Grandparents & Special Friends Day within centres can be a fantastic way of celebrating these support networks for children by giving them the opportunity to show their love and appreciation. Here are some suggestions and ideas from Bonkers Beat if you’re brainstorming activities:
-Create an ‘I Love You because…’ card and children can offer a special reason
-Create a photo frame as a gift
-Create a collage together of things that remind them of their relationship
-Sing some special songs together
-Play instruments together in a music session
-All children act out a favourite book for the grandparents/special friends
-Yoga and wellbeing activities with grandparents/special friends
-Grandparents/special friends may enjoy sharing a snack with the children
-Children might like to give grandparents/special friends a tour of their room
Here’s a link for you to find some great printables and other ideas for your Grandparents & Special Friends Day:
Do you have some amazing ideas for Grandparents & Special Friends Day? Share them with us on the Bonkers Beat Music & Wellbeing Facebook page or comment here!

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