Quick Tips to Improve Your NQS Rating

As a passionate early childhood education service, chances are you are always looking at ways to go about improving your National Quality Standard (NQS) rating. We get it – so much so that the Bonkers Beat programs are entirely aligned with improving each assessment area! 

For today, we wanted to share some practical NQS enhancing tips you can reflect on and put into action right away at your early childhood education centre. Here are eight quick actionable tips and strategies to help you enhance your NQS rating starting right now!

8 tips to enhance your NQS Rating

Tip 1: Tailor Learning Experiences 

Implement themed experiences that align with the approved learning frameworks. For example, designate mid-mornings for music and movement, incorporating Bonkers Beat music sessions. Late afternoons might be for science experiments, and so on. This ensures a variety of experiences that cater to different aspects of child development and makes programming simpler and faster for you and your team. 

[Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice]

Tip 2: Use Learning Stories 

Create individual learning stories for each child. Document their progress through photos, notes, and examples of their work. Review these stories with parents by uploading to an app or create regular meetings to keep them engaged and informed about their child’s development

[Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice]

Tip 3: Daily Check-ins 

Start each day with a morning circle where children can share their feelings and experiences. Use simple emotion cards to help them express themselves. This practice helps build a strong emotional connection and understanding between educators and children.  

[Quality Area 5: Relationships with Children]

Tip 4: Implement Peer Buddy Systems 

Pair older children with younger ones to foster peer support and learning. This buddy system can help children develop empathy and social skills, as they learn to help and support each other through daily activities and play. 

[Quality Area 5: Relationships with Children]

Tip 5: Family Involvement Days 

Organise monthly family involvement days where parents can join in on classroom activities. This could include reading sessions, craft workshops or cultural sharing days. It helps build a sense of community and allows families to be actively involved in their child’s learning journey. 

[Quality Area 6: Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities]

Tip 6: Community Walks 

Plan regular community walks where children visit local parks, libraries, or shops. These excursions provide real-world learning experiences and help children connect with their local community. Invite community members, such as local artists or firefighters, to speak at the centre.

[Quality Area 6: Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities]

Tip 7: Monthly Team Training Sessions 

Schedule monthly professional development sessions for your team. Focus on areas such as new educational techniques, behaviour management strategies, wellness approaches and more. These sessions can be conducted in-house or by inviting external experts (or with Bonkers Beat program content!) 

[Quality Area 7: Governance and Leadership]

Tip 8: Recognition and Rewards Program 

Implement a recognition program to celebrate team achievements. Monthly awards or simple acknowledgments during staff meetings can boost morale and encourage a positive working environment. Recognise efforts such as innovative teaching methods or outstanding parent feedback.

[Quality Area 7: Governance and Leadership]

Make your way to Excellent Rating Every Day!

Enhancing your NQS rating is a continuous process that benefits significantly from practical, day-to-day actions. The Bonkers Beat programs are designed so that each module is clearly linked to one of the seven Areas of the NQS assessment. This enables you to focus on improving specific areas as you need. You can learn more here or sign up for your free trial.  

Programs like Bonkers Beat can provide valuable support and resources to guide you through this journey. The ultimate outcome for a service that thrives is to create a nurturing, stimulating, and inclusive environment where children can flourish.

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