Restoring and Reconnecting for a Brighter Future

Australia Day is a day that means something different to each of us. While celebrating Australia Day was once the norm, for many — including many Indigenous Australians — Australia Day is not seen as a day of celebration at all. With this in mind, we aim to acknowledge January 26 in a respectful way that takes into account Australia’s complex history and is sensitive to the feelings of others. 

The Australian spirit is based on love, respect and inclusivity. These values can heal us and they can continue to help Australia and its people, during times of reflection and during the challenging times of the present day where we are seeing tension and division in the community. Together, let’s learn lessons from the past and be brave enough to acknowledge mistakes and move forward hand in hand, stronger than ever.

What January 26 can be is an opportunity to reconnect with Australia’s true history and restore strength as a community. Changing the narrative around this date is something we can all get involved in while showing respect and support to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. When people of a nation can come together, acknowledge a history that includes tragedy and move forward with love, we are showing true strength and togetherness.

Music can be a key way to connect people, and offers a chance to embrace and immerse yourself in Indigenous culture. Music, song and dance are integral to Indigenous people in Australia, and there are many resources online where you can explore instruments, songs and movement that allow us to connect with the original custodians of our beautiful country.

We also invite you to sing along to Around Australia’ Bonker’s song and visit our new set of resources on Music Kinder at Home Facebook Group. This promotes connection to the country for children while using the power of music. 

We also recommend you look to Indigenous Australian organisations or local Indigenous groups in your community to explore ways you and your childcare service can be great allies. Here are a few websites to explore in gaining further education on Aboriginal culture and to support you and your team in your allyship with Indigenous Australians:

Koori Curriculum:



Early childhood education is a space within which we should always acknowledge and embed Indigenous cultures into daily practices. 

Restore our connection to Australia’s rich history and move forward with an appreciation for the magic of the Aboriginal culture.

Don’t forget to join Music Kinder at Home Facebook Group to get inspirations and practical ideas to learn more about Australia.

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