Springtime Adventures: Fun Activities for School Holidays

Spring has sprung and with the school holidays just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to engage children in enriching activities that combine fun and a bit of learning too! 

Check out our round-up below, and for more ideas to keep the dreaded ‘I’m bored’ at bay these school holidays, take a look at our guide here. 

Spring School Holiday Activities

Interactive Nature Walks: Take advantage of the spring weather by exploring the great outdoors. Nature walks are a wonderful opportunity for children to connect with the environment, observe seasonal changes, and develop an appreciation for nature. Combine your walk with a scavenger hunt to encourage children to identify different flora and fauna. You might even like to collect some leaves, sticks and rocks to get creative with later.

Gardening Time: Spring is ideal for getting out in the garden, and involving children in this activity can be both educational and enjoyable (they can be good helpers too!). Teach them about planting, watering, and taking care of a garden. Watching their seeds sprout and grow can be a rewarding experience, fostering a sense of responsibility, achievement and patience.

Spring Craft: That nature walk where we mentioned collecting some bits and pieces can be helpful here. Get out the glue, tape, scissors and paints and go wild with a dedicated art station. To minimise stress, cover a table or floor space with an old towel or sheet so the fun can unfold risk-free. Spring-themed artworks can add a seasonal flair to creative endeavours. Could it even be time to try making our flower crowns?!

Science Experiments: Turn your kitchen into a science lab with simple, kid-friendly experiments. Including the classic and everyone’s favourite — making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar. These hands-on activities spark curiosity and critical thinking in children.

Outdoor Sports Games: Make the most of the spring weather by taking the fun outdoors. Set up some games or activities and hone gross motor skills! Mini Olympics, soccer, footy or volleyball are a good place to start. Plus, these promote physical fitness and enhance wellbeing. 

Classic Spring Picnic: Pack up some sandwiches, fruit, and muffins for a delicious picnic and head out to the backyard, to a local park or to the beach to enjoy. Bring a few books to read under a tree and maybe even see if any teddies want to come to make it a teddy-bear’s picnic! 

Get Reflective: Spring school holiday adventures can be great launching pads for stories or just for reflection and practising gratitude. Each day you could consider setting aside a time to write, draw or just chat about the school holidays. A great insightful activity, and excellent habit for life. 

Spring school holidays provide the perfect opportunity for children to learn, explore and make lasting memories. By incorporating these ideas into your holiday plans, you’ll not only keep them engaged but also help them develop valuable life skills and a lifelong love for learning. Happy springtime adventures!

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