Today We Are Thanking First Responders!

Each year every second Wednesday of June is Thank a First Responder Day!  Yes, that’s today!

First responders include many Australian medical and health workers, police, firefighters and SES workers. These individuals have taken up the duty of protecting and caring for our communities. 

While these roles are paramount  and can often be very rewarding, our first responders may  also face so many challenges and often trauma when doing what they love to do. 

Thank a First Responder Day was born from the need to boost the wellbeing and trauma resilience of first responders. So by showing our appreciation and gratitude it can have a profound and positive impact.

According to the First Responder Day website, more than half of all emergency responders are deeply impacted by the traumas they face in the course of their duties. 

Let us show first responders the impact their work has on the way we live our lives.

If someone is struggling at the beach, the lifeguards are on watch to jump into action. When a fire or floods takes hold, it is our firefighters and SES workers who are on the scene quickly to minimise harm and often to save lives. 

The work which is undertaken by our first responders is admirable, essential and courageous. 

Head to the First Responder Day website for a bunch of educational resources that focus on celebrating our first responders: click here

Write out or colour in thank you notes to deliver to your local first responders and visit our Facebook page and share your thoughts on what it means to you.

Let’s celebrate this day and feel the power of gratitude.

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